Hey everyone, It's been a looong time since my last post. It's just that nothing that exciting has really happened since the last time. But when I came across this, I just absolutely had to blog it. Granted this is all still in concept and may or may not actually get to us, Microsoft seems to have made the PSP killer!! This sleek piece of hardware is dubbed a "lifestyle PC" that will play moves, music, games (there have been reports of one of the testers playing Halo on it!) just like the PSP does, but will have a keyboard AND a touchscreen! Anyway, I'll just let you read about it for yourself from these articles I'm gonna link to.
The Origami Project Homepage
An article on GameIndustry.Biz's Site
Anyway, that's one cool thing that I found. Another cool thing is that I'm going snowboarding this Saturday at WinterPlace! The only problem is that today it's about 60 degrees so by Saturday the slopes will probably be totally ice! So if anyone wants to come iceboarding with me n' the crew, slap me a message on my myspace sometime.
But I'll try and keep this thing updated a little more.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
More Shows and Back in the Studio

Well everyone, I'm happy to say that Calling All Cars is actually playing a show in our hometown of Wise, VA!!! As long as we've been together, we've rarely played in Wise. I don't know why, just for some reason people around here still see us as the kids from down the street and not really as a band worth seeing. But anyway, we got some of our friends from Haysi and the K-Town area and have put together a four band Valentine's Day show on the Saturday, Febuary 11th. So if you've heard about us (which from what I've seen, most people around here have) come and check us out. The show will start at seven...and it's a saturday...so there's no reason you guys can say you have school...or work...or anything better to do!
AAAAAAND...Calling All Cars is back in the studio! Yep, we're finally heading back to record our first full-length album. I spent a good part of my day today in the studio with coby and brett helping coby with the scratch guitar so he can lay down the drum tracks. I really love recording...mainly because I can do a lot of things there that I can't do live. This is mainly because if I screw up, I know I can just go back and do it again...that and I'm not jumping around all over the place while I'm playing in the studio.
I took pictures today while we were there and even a video clip, but I left my phone out in the jeep...and if anybody lives in wise, they know that we had a freakin' huge snow today and it's cold outside and it's really late, so I'm just staying inside. Coby is over here tonight and we're playing some Amped 3 for the 360...which isn't anything like any of the others...but it's growing on me.
Anyway, that's all for tonight. See you all later.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Snow, Melted Snow, Falling From the Sky

Yesterday, my annual Winter dream came true (sorta) when Coby, Aaron and I went snowboarding at Wolf Laurel in North Carolina. So we get up and leave at 7am and get there right at 9:30 or so...and guess what? It's raining! It rained all day...ALL day! But we were like "We drove 2 and a half hours and by golly we're gonna snowboard!" So I strapped on my board and headed up the mountain on the lift...no sooner than my board was off the ground that it started to rain even harder! It was then that I found out my water resistant jacket is actually water absorbent and within 15 minutes it was completely waterlogged and weighing about 15 pounds. Then, to beat it all, some 8 year old kid (the park owner's grandson) was doing jumps and crap all over the place...it was a humbling experience to say the least. But all-in-all it was great to get to snowboard again since I wasn't able to last winter.
So after we left there, we went to Pal's and then to Circuit City in Johnson City to return a game that I got two of for Christmas. Now, I hope and pray that all of you out there reading this have

Once we got back, we caught up with Sabrina, Brett and Sarah and went to the Abingdon Cinemall to see the Ringer...which actually turned out to not be as completely wrong of a movie as I thought it was gonna be...but anyway, that was yesterday. Later.
Funeral For a Friend
On December 29th, 2005, a friend of mine, Brandon Lankford passed away. He went with us to Warped Tour this past fall and made an appearance as Calling All Cars's first screamer. If any of you knew Brandon, I'm sure you know why at his funeral Saturday there were two overflow rooms filled up and a line all the way to the door. I wouldn't trade what little time I knew him for anything in the world and I know he will be greatly missed by many, many people. No one could bring friends together like he could. So if you didn't get a chance to meet Brandon while he was here, go to church and ask the preacher where he went and how you can meet him. Brandon, buddy, I'll see you soon.

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